How to update fmrOS ? How to change rig name ? Can i use fmrOS prebuild image with NVIDIA cards ? What is different fmrOS prebuild image vs clean install ? How to get existing gpu cards details with fmrOS ? How to check GPU mining details with fmrOS ? How to check CPU mining details with fmrOS ? Why Radeon VII fans are on 100% when i set 85% ? What to do if NVIDIA cards have multiple fans control? fmros_stats crashing. What it means ? What cards are tested with fmrOS ? What means temperature 511 ?
How to update fmrOS ?
fmros or same as installation script curl http://mikrolineage.lt/get/fmros -o /tmp/fi && sudo bash /tmp/fi
How to change rigname ?
please edit /etc/hostname: nano /etc/hostname
Can i use fmrOS prebuild image with NVIDIA cards?
Yes, of course. You need run installation script and install NVIDIA drivers: curl http://mikrolineage.lt/get/fmros -o /tmp/fi && sudo bash /tmp/fi
What is different fmrOS prebuild vs clean install?
Simple answer - time. if you use USB stick, clean install it will take you 1-4 hours. With prebuild 10-15min
How to get existing gpu cards details with fmrOS?
Just run command in shell: /opt/fmros/bin/fmros_stats for more options: /opt/fmros/bin/fmros_stats ?
How to check GPU mining details with fmrOS ?
Just run command in shell: stats or tail -f /tmp/miner.log
How to check CPU mining details with fmrOS ?
Just run command in shell: stats cpu or tail -f /tmp/miner_cpu.log
Why Radeon VII fans are on 100% when i set 85% ?
It is amdgpu drivers issue.
From my experience: you need use lower value for get wanted value. Example: if you set 75%, you will get 85%
What to do if NVIDIA cards have multiple fans control?
You can set all existing fans speed to fixed value or auto: /opt/fmros/bin/fmros_oc fan all 100
fmros_stats crashing. What it means ?
if fmros_stats crashing - it means hardware/overclocking issue. You can run fmros_stats in safe mode: /opt/fmros/bin/fmros_stats safe
What cards are tested with fmrOS ?
I tested: amdgpu old style POLARIS Radeon RX 470-590 4/8GB amdgpu Radeon VEGA 56/64 8GB & Frontier Edition 16GB amdgpu new style VEGA20 RADEON VII 16GB amdgpu RDNA RX RADEON 5500 xt 8GB amdgpu RDNA RX RADEON 5600 xt 6GB amdgpu RDNA RX RADEON 5700/5700 xt 8GB nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6GB nvidia Geforce GTX 1070/1080 8GB nvidia Geforce GTX 1660/1660s 6GB nvidia Geforce RTX 2070s 8GB nvidia Geforce RTX 3070 8GB nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 10GB amdgpu 19.30 driver supported cards on AMD site nvidia 450 driver supported cards on NVIDIA site
What means temperature 511 ?
Hardware error. Please recheck cables, risers